22 July 2011

The Countdown Begins...

After much deliberation in the Holland family household, I finally decided on a blog title and finished setting up my blog that I'll (try) to keep while studying abroad for the year in England! For those interested, some runner-up blog titles included "QE III Overseas" and "Keep Calm and Study On". Even though QE III is a common theme in our household, I just didn't like the sound of it.

My family jokes that my car is like my cruiseship!

My mom also suggested "Keep Calm and Study On", but how much studying will I actually be doing (kidding, right?).

Things are finally coming together as I am leaving for England in less than 10 DAYS! I can't believe that I will be spending almost a month on my own traveling around England but I couldn't be more excited!

To add a little update, here is the plan for when I arrive in England: I will be flying from Dulles International Airport to London Heathrow and then taking a bus to Norwich where the Dickinson Program House is located. I'll be staying there for about five days and then we head to Edinburgh for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. We have about one day of rehearsals there and then we open! We only have 4 performances and then I'm on my own in Edinburgh. I'm staying there for another 5 days so I can fully take advantage of the Festival! I know it will be a once in a lifetime experience and I fully plan on seeing as many shows/performances/concerts as possible (especially with the great student discounts!). After Edinburgh, I head back to Norwich to relax, explore, and get things together before I depart on my semi-final destination, London. I'm heading a couple of days before the official Dickinson program starts to spend some extra time in my all time favorite city and see Kevin Spacey in Richard III at the Old Vic!

Oh the places we'll go! 

All for now but I'm sure I'll try and procrastinate by writing another post before I leave!
