07 February 2012

Oh the weather outside is frightful!

Finally, my first "proper" snow in England! I was so excited but a little worried since I was in London visiting a friend for the day! It's also so cold that the snow is still here and it is supposed to snow for the rest of the night tonight!

Outside of Liverpool Street Station on my way back to Norwich! 
Outside the Norwich Train Station waiting for the bus.  
View from outside my window! 

06 February 2012

Back in England!

After a wonderful winter break at home, I'm back in Norwich for spring semester! It's great to be back as the fall semester was such an amazing experience! I just got back from London visiting a friend from High School who is studying abroad in Lille, France. We saw a great show at the National Theatre called Collaborators. It was a lot of fun just walking around London again!

I've also started an internship working at a small theatre, the Norwich Playhouse! I'm doing both technical and administrative jobs and really enjoying it! It's a great experience to be able to have an internship abroad!

My classes at UEA are great this semester! Both my classes, Political Theatre and Comedy in Drama, are classes that wouldn't be available at Dickinson and it's great to have a different perspective of theatre!

More to come as the semester progresses! I'm really excited for this semester and I have a lot of traveling planned. We are going to Portsmouth for Charles Dickens' Birthday this weekend and then Stratford-upon-Avon! I also have a lot planned for Spring Break as I'm planning on traveling to Switzerland, Austria, and Germany!


Ely Cathedral

As a student on a Dickinson Program, we take a lot of Dickinson sponsored trips to "academic" areas around Norwich! One of these trips was to Ely Cathedral, about 45 minutes from Norwich. It's a beautiful Cathedral and we were able to walk to the top and see the quaint little town of Ely from an ariel view! The Cathedral was also used during World War II to help guide the air force to their base. 

View from inside the Cathedral.

View of Ely!

Catch up...

Even though the new semester has started, I'm going to do a quick catch up of what happened at the end of last semester. I know I haven't posted in so long, but here goes nothing!

For "Week 7" a couple of the Humanities students had the week off to catch-up on readings and work. So a couple of us decided to visit some of our friends on the Dickinson program in Bologna, Italy. I was there for about 4 days and was able to see a little bit of Bologna, Venice, and Florence. It rained all week but we didn't let that stop us! We saw EVERYTHING.

On my first day there, I met my friend Kate at a statue (yes, a very reliable meeting spot) and we walked to her apartment. Bologna was such a change from Norwich and it was a lot of fun comparing programs.

The next day, we went to Venice and again, it rained ALL DAY. I thought I was going to drown in the "city of water". We explored the city by just walking around and turning where we saw something interesting! It felt like we walked every inch of the city!

On our way to Venice!
Singing in the rain? 
Too much rain to handle.
 The next day, some of the other Dickinson people from England continued traveling to other destinations and Jimmy and I decided to head to Florence. It was raining again, but we didn't let that stop us. Since we went on a Monday, most of the museums were closed but we got to see the Duomo and walk to the top! The view was absolutely breathtaking but quite the hike up there. I hadn't been to Florence since High School and I always wanted to make it back and I was so happy to be there again!

In front of the Ponte Vecchio!

View from one of the Duomo Terraces. 

View from the top of the Duomo! It was worth the hike up there and the rain cleared just in time!
All in all, the trip was amazing and we got to see so much in such a short amount of time!

More to come,