06 February 2012

Back in England!

After a wonderful winter break at home, I'm back in Norwich for spring semester! It's great to be back as the fall semester was such an amazing experience! I just got back from London visiting a friend from High School who is studying abroad in Lille, France. We saw a great show at the National Theatre called Collaborators. It was a lot of fun just walking around London again!

I've also started an internship working at a small theatre, the Norwich Playhouse! I'm doing both technical and administrative jobs and really enjoying it! It's a great experience to be able to have an internship abroad!

My classes at UEA are great this semester! Both my classes, Political Theatre and Comedy in Drama, are classes that wouldn't be available at Dickinson and it's great to have a different perspective of theatre!

More to come as the semester progresses! I'm really excited for this semester and I have a lot of traveling planned. We are going to Portsmouth for Charles Dickens' Birthday this weekend and then Stratford-upon-Avon! I also have a lot planned for Spring Break as I'm planning on traveling to Switzerland, Austria, and Germany!
