04 March 2012

Happy Birthday Charles Dickens!

Once I turned 21, I started to feel old. One reason may be that I live with "freshers" who are all about 18 or 19. Another reason might just be that 21 is old. It's not as old as 200 though. On 17 February, Charles Dickens turned the big 2-0-0. All over England, there have been celebrations for one of the most well known English authors. As good Brits, my friend Marissa and I decided to CELEBRATE! We headed to Dickens' birthplace, Portsmouth.

Saturday was filled with mostly Dickens related events. We visited a lot of museums and special exhibits. We even saw a performance of David Copperfield. On Sunday, we took a little break and visited the Isle of Wight for the day since we were so close! It was cold and overcast but still beautiful. It was quite a busy weekend!

The couch that Charles Dickins died on. 

The Portsmouth Guidhall

You may have heard of this guy, his name is Nelson and he is kind of a big deal in England. Everywhere.

Walking along the Portsmouth Harbor that goes into the English Channel. 

View of Portsmouth and the Spinnaker Tower. 

Portsmouth Harbor.  
A great fish and chip shop on the Isle of Wight.

Beautiful Anglican Church on Isle of Wight. 

We had to take a Hovercraft over to the Island. We both checked it off our bucket list!