03 August 2011

First Steps...

To those following, sorry I haven’t posted something since I’ve arrived! Everything has been crazy, both getting here and being here!

On Monday, my parents and I drove up to Washington, D.C. for my 6:40 PM flight out of Dulles. Once we arrived it started to rain but didn’t seem like much. However, there were much worse storms north of Dulles that prohibited us to take off. We ended up sitting at the gate for FOUR HOURS. Finally around 10:45 PM we took off and pretty much everyone on the plane passed out for the rest of the flight. When I landed in London, I had missed my National Express bus to Norwich and had to run to the Central Bus Station to catch the next bus. The journey didn’t end there though. The bus was supposed to drop me off at the UEA bus stop (closest to the program house) but when we got to the main Norwich train station, the bus driver decided that he was running too late to make the stop! I officially got to the house around 5:30 PM on Tuesday and had just enough time to put my suitcase(s) down!

On Tuesday night, Karen and her friend invited me to see a group of “Morris Dancers” at the Adam and Eve Pub in Norwich (the oldest pub in the city)! One of their good friends is a dancer in the group and we were able to see her perform and talk to her more about the group. To those who know about my obsession with the play Jerusalem, the dancing is exactly like that. No lie.  

This is the group, the "Gold Stars".

They were dancing in the street right outside the pub.
Jerusalem with the original London Cast
On Wednesday, we had our first rehearsal at UEA Drama Studio with Tony frost, our director. The walk from the house to campus is about 20 minutes but quite charming! You walk through Eaton Park, home of the “Norwich Model Boat Club” that has this wonderful reflection pool where people sail their model boats. Much of the morning was spent bringing me up to speed on what they have been working on and getting acquainted with UEA’s campus. Tony was great and gave me a mini-tour of the campus, student union, and theatre! It’s much different than Dickinson but I’m excited for school to get started… in two months.
The "lake" that I walk by every morning to rehearsal.

All for now, Cheers!