19 August 2011


As I am writing this, I am sitting in the Edinburgh Central Youth Hostel relaxing before I leave to see my final two shows (Oedipus and The Wheel). The Hostel is quite lively and very accommodating. It’s a BEAUTIFUL day and I can’t wait to get out and take some pictures and such since it’s been rainy for a couple of days.

Street advertisement for Oedipus
Last night we went to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo as a closing night celebration! The Tattoo is on the grounds of the castle and basically, a performance showing off Scotland’s Military Band along with other performances. I’m also pretty sure that I found the perfect job… wait for it… being on the Lighting Crew for the Tattoo. This idea all started when I saw a girl walking around with a sweatshirt that said “Lighting Crew Edinburgh Military Tattoo”. Before seeing her, I hadn’t really thought about lighting in relationship to the Tattoo but now that I have seen the show, I can’t imagine it without the lighting and projections. I was amazed. The stadium where the Tattoo is held is quite large and holds about 7,000 people but the lights have to be hung BEHIND the audience, a good distance away from the performance space. I was first amazed how detailed the lighting was for a space so large, and then, the projections started. These were not traditional projections projected onto a screen; these projections were projected onto THE CASTLE. The projector(s) were across the stadium and yet, the projections were extremely clear and moved/changed flawlessly.

Lots, and lots, and lots of bagpipes.

The castle literally changed colors.

Drawbridge Projection.

This is the the projector that was located across from the castle and still produced a clear image. 

Every time a group came through the castle, it looked like the Wizard of Oz. 

Pretty gobs!

This projection moved during the "fishing dance". 

Clearly the projections were well aligned. 

Union Jack projection during the finale. 
After all of the performances, there is a big fireworks show and since we went on Saturday night, there were more than ever! It was a beautiful experience (especially from a lighting standpoint) and also gave me an insight into Scottish heritage and the sense of national pride they have. Here's a video from the grand finale with all the performers on stage!
